Wednesday, November 28, 2012


One of strongest temptations that human beings have to meet is upon the point of appetite. Don't let your appetite control you. You control your appetite.

Stay away from those foods and restaurants that may temp you to make unhealthy choices. Create cravings for healthier foods by visiting new restaurants that have a healthier menu option.

Create a shopping list when going to the store to avoid picking up items you don't need. Stay out of the isles in the food store that will temp you to pick up something that may not be the best choice for you.

Controling our appetite is important, but it can also be hard at first. Your mind is programed to choose the unhealthy items and now you must reprogram it to choose that which is healthy. Your taste buds have also been programed to like these items and they too must be reprogramed. They say it takes 21 days to form a new habit. So try making healthier choices for 21 days and see how much easier it will be when it's time to choose the healthier choice. Consider having a check in buddy that will help you whenyour having those cravings. 

It will be all worth it in the end. And trust me your body will thank you for it :)

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