
Thank you for stopping by to check out Healthyliving365!!!!!!!! I hope you find this website useful in helping you make wiser choices that will lead to a better life for you, your family, and your friends.

God's original plan for mankind was for us to live healthy, happy, balanced lives. Sin destroyed that plan and now people are getting sick and dying from diseases (physical & mental) everyday. A lot of which can be avoided if we take care of our mind,body, health, and soul.

"We are what we eat" is not just a quote but our reality. I recently gave birth to a beautiful baby boy that I love so much. I want to be alive and healthy so I can play with him, have fun with him, and share precious memories with him. Children watch their parents and do what they see them doing. I NEED to live a better life and be a positive influence to my family.

It is so important that we live healthy lives and keep our mind, body, and soul free from clutter. These are the vessels which God uses to speak to us his children. Our relationship with Him should be #1 and anything that distracts or hinders the relationship should be eliminated [Exodus 20:3].

A lot of the things we allow to enter our mind (via television or radio), and body (the food I eat) are not pleasing to Him and I'm sure you can agree that Many of us are guilty of this. The things we watch, the food we eat, and the environment we choose to be in all impact our lives in some way or another. These factors can also affect our mood, behavior, and attitude. I have seen first hand how what I eat, watch, and the activities I engage in affects my attitude and I must admit it isn't a pretty one. I'm ready to do something about it because God expects and deserves better and so does my family.

So join me on this journey as I intentionally make wiser choices to live a happy, healthy life.


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