Monday, December 17, 2012

Detox Anyone?????????

Our bodies naturally detoxify everyday. But this day in age with pollution everywhere the body has a hard time keeping up. Our diet and environment has changed so much from century to century that it has changed our internal ecosystem. We digest so much more animal protein, saturated and trans fats, caffeine, and alcohol than did our ancestors and our bodies are paying for it.

Our bodies are so overloaded with so much extra work now of getting rid of waste that's not even suppose to be in our bodies in the first place that it isn't able to rid the body of all it's toxic waste anymore. Therefore we have some waste that remains in our bloodstream and tissues.

Dextoxing helps to assist the body with getting rid of this toxic waste. It is especially important for immune-compromised diseases like cancer, arthritis, diabetes and chronic fatigue. However, even if your diet is good, a detox every now and then can revitalize your system and rid your body of harmful bacteria, viruses and parasites.

Some source of toxin
  • water
  • air
  • soil
  • stress
  • synthetic materials
  • the environment
  • our diet
  • the food we eat
A great way to get rid of these toxins is to eat more fruits and vegetables, drink more water, and take a detox cleanser.

There are many cleansers on the market that can help with detoxifying the body. One that I have tried and really like it The Essence of Vitality. It is a an all natural herbal tonic that dates back to the Ghana Empire.  
It helps to strengthen the immune system, increase energy level, removes toxins from the digestive system, and revitalize your cells.

I felt a difference in my body just days after taking the tonic. I wasn't as hungry as I use to be and I have more energy (to keep up with my little one :).

To find our more on The Essence of Vitality check out the link  for more information and ingredients.

This is a great way to begin the New Year......Detox and get rid of all the unhealthy toxins in your body!!!!!!!!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Cold/Flu Season....How to be prepared

Viruses tend to live longer in colder weather/temperature hence why a lot of people get sick during the winter season.

Building up your immune system is a great way to help your body get ready for the flu season. Drinking lots of water and eating your fruits and vegetables are great ways to boost your immune system.

If you do feel a little sniffle coming along try take some saline nasal spray in each nostril to help clear up any mucus and bacteria that might be forming. Make sure your spray has purified water and sodium chloride in it.

If you feel a soar throat coming along avoid taking the lozenges with menthol in them because too much menthol can break down the good mucus (in the throat) and damage the throat. Take blackcurrent lozenges they contain Gamma Linolenic Acid which decreases inflammation and soothes the throat.

Great Immune Boosters:

Sunlight-Take a 20-30 minute walk everyday (Vitamin D)

Eat lots of fruits from the citrus family-oranges, tangerines,grapefruits, etc.

Buckwheat Honey-take 1-2 teaspoons a day. It's rich in antioxidants

N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC) 250mg
Astragalus - 1 drop a day
Vitamin D3 - 2,000 IU per day (during the winter season where the sun does not shine as much) 1,000 IU per day during the other seasons.

Tumeric- great spice that helps fight the cold. 1-3 tsp per day. Can be used in stews, stir fry, and marinades.

Medicinal Mushrooms: End each day with some tea. Reishi or Shitake Mushroom Tea. 2 cups per day. These mushrooms have ingredients that protect the immune system.

Ginseng- helps give you energy during the day and improve concentration. 100 mg capsule/Ginseng tea

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Need a mood booster?

Foods that boost your mood:

  • Striped Bass
  • Figs
  • Mushrooms
  • Omega Fatty Acids
  • B6 (best source)
  • Vitamin D

Monday, December 10, 2012

An APPLE a day keeps the doctor away....but what about the SEEDS?!?!?

 Fruit seeds are harmless when eaten in moderate quantities. By eating the seeds you may achieve some protection from cancer. Apple seeds are known for containing cyanogen which creates cyanide. Cyanide can be lethal in large quantities but small tiny amounts are normal to normal cells.

Seeds are an excellent source of fiber. Fruit seeds are high in vitamins and many have cancer fighting properties. The seeds in dark red and purple grapes contain resveratrol, an antioxidant.

The cell's of our body has the enzyme rhodanese that will detoxify cyanides that form naturally in a cell. A tiny level of the enzyme rhodanese is normal in our bodies. It seems that cancer cells lack this enzyme, so if you eat a small quantity of bitter almonds or apple seeds, or apricot seeds or other fruit seeds with cyanogens, the cancer cells may be affected when they come in contact with this enzyme, rhodanese. Your normal cells are are fine because they are protected by the enzyme rhodanese.
I would not trust in apple seeds or the seeds from any fruit alone to cure me from cancer, but I do believe that there are many things that protect our bodies in the early stages of many diseases. So I'm going to continue to eat my apple seeds. I would love to find a bitter almond tree to add to my orchard.  I keep a container of almonds by me to snack on all day.  They are not the bitter almonds, but it's a much better snack than chips or junk food. - [Dr. Lee Miller Natural Health and Science Author]
How should you eat the seeds?
Well you can eat them while enjoying your favorite fruit. You can save them and sprinkle them on your favorite salad. Fruit seeds can also be baked into breads and pastries.